Discover Tarnava Mare


A Unique Sense of Place.  The Tarnava Mare area of South-eastern Transylvania is one of the forgotten jewels in Romania’s crown. It is one of the Europe’s most important natural and cultural landscapes, including some of the finest pristine wildflower rich grasslands – the result of centuries of good husbandry by local farming communities, who are still managing the land today in a way that has long protected the countryside and created a unique sense of place. Visit to discover it.

Fundatia Adept Transilvania va invita sa descoperiti Tarnava Mare “Amu ii primavara. Gospodarii is deja la lucru’ campului. Pregatesc pamantul pentru holdele ce urmeaza sa umple inima Transilvaniei de roade, care sa rasplateasca munca celor ce iubesc viata adevarata si bine oranduita. Bogatie, din inima Transilvaniei! Viziteaza pagina web sa descoperi regiunea Tarnava Mare”.

sursa foto: Sorin Onisor sursa știre Fundatia Adept Transilvania