Sambata, ora 18:30, Piata Cetatii, pe terasa cofetariei Casa de pe stanca, ne reintalnim cu Open Mic Sighisoara.


Sambata, ora 18:30, Piata Cetatii, pe terasa cofetariei Casa de pe stanca, ne reintalnim cu Open Mic Sighisoara. De data asta vom avea doua formatii din UK care vor incerca sa ne imbie la muzica si dans. Sunteți asteptați!
– in cazul in care apar modificari de program (ora, locatie) datele vor fi actualizate pe pagina Open Mic Sighișoara

“Saturday: Day 2 of our fun weekend will be performances in the main square in Sighisoara citadel. We will have dance and music by Towersey Morris and Berkhampstead Ukulele Random Players from the UK plus local Calusari Dancers and musicians from Biertan and Albesti. It is hoped that the Morris and Calusari dancers will share dances, music and experiences and also inspire and involve members of the public.”